Thursday, August 28, 2008

News from the Future!

Someone at the AP is a wee bit eager:

Aug 28 07:45 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writers

DENVER (AP) - Barack Obama promised an end to the "broken politics in Washington and the failed presidency of George W. Bush" Thursday night as he embarked on the final lap of his audacious bid to become the nation's first black president.

He vowed to end the war in Iraq—and to break America's dependence on Mideast oil within a decade.

Obama sought to dismiss his campaign rival, Sen. John McCain, by linking him to Bush. . . .

Obama's speech is scheduled for 10:15, btw.


Mordy said...

Have you been watching? Stevie Wonder is really jamming tonight.

Cranky Doc said...

My favorite comment so far is someone saying (writing?) that they're glad Obama won because the music would have been terribe had Clinton been victorious. . . . .

Mordy said...

My favorite moment of the convention so far, btw:

Love those USA gymnasts!

Cranky Doc said...

Another snarky comment, from a poster at Ezra Klein's blog: "Hey, if your bored with all that convention stuff, tune into CNN, MSNBC or Fox News, they are showing a rock concert instead."