Thursday, August 07, 2008

A Nice Splash of Cold Water

for some of the Obama enthusiasts with heroic expectations, courtesy of the always entertaining (and potty-mouthed) Matt Taibbi. The focus here: campaign contrbutions.


Mordy said...

I love Taibbi so much. I've actually got his The Great Derangement out on interlibrary loan.

Matt Williams said...

Great Derangement is a fun read. I think I was the last person to take that book out before you mordy.

Cranky Doc said...

See my comment on Pop Culture Curator re Taibbi and Thompson. . . . .

Mordy said...

We've really gotta get some of these books in the YU library. I haven't checked yet, but I'm sure Nixonland isn't there. I'll probably be interlibrary loan'ing it.

Cranky Doc said...

Get me a list of the things on the top of your list, and I'll see that the library gets copies.

Mordy said...

Here's the last bunch I noticed we didn't have:

Matthew Yglesias - Heads in the Sand
Matt Taibbi - The Great Derangement (Or any Taibbi collection)
Thomas Frank - The Wrecking Crew
Naomi Klein - Shock Doctrine (I was actually responsible for our library's sole copy of No Logo :P)
Rick Perlstein - Nixonland (on your suggestion)
Lucas Conley - Obsessive Branding Disorder
Joe Bageant - Deer Hunting With Jesus
Jonah Goldberg - Liberal Fascism (I shudder to think I'm requesting this, but I had need of quoting it recently)

Of course my full list of books we need is like a mile long. But these seem more relevant to politics and the election.

Cranky Doc said...

Will do, if you'll do me a favor -- send me an e-mail with full citations (author, title, publisher, date) for each. And add in Rick Perlstein, Before the Storm.