Monday, April 21, 2008

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Politics as Sport

From Atrios:
95% of the time in politics, all that matters who is perceived as playing offense and who is perceived as playing defense. The details are usually irrelevant, although occasionally such things backfire. If you can get the press to report your team as playing offense, then you're winning, and the team playing defense is seen as losing.

I made that 95% figure up, though 80% of the time I'm correct about such things.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

It's about everything that matters, indeed


MSNBC runs commercials for itself in which Tim Russert solemnly explains why MSNBC covers politics: "It's about the war. Our sons and daughters. It's about the economy. Our jobs. It's about education. Our schools. It's about health care. Our families' well-being. It's about everything that matters."

MSNBC doesn't run any ads that claim that what really matters is whether the candidates choose to drink coffee or orange juice. But that's what the cable channel's brightest stars (Matthews is reportedly paid $5 million a year for this nonsense) chose to spend their time discussing last night.

Orange juice -- and bowling.

Read, weep.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

From America's Finest News Source

Black Guy Asks Nation For Change

The Onion

Black Guy Asks Nation For Change

CHICAGO—Some residents reported seeing the black guy waving wildly and quoting from the Bible, while others said they spotted him shouting about global warming.