Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Reminder

Monday, October 6 (meeting in Admissions conference room, 1st Floor Furst)

Mordy presents Chs. 5-7 in Leighley

Daniel K. presents Chs. 6-10 in West, Air Wars

Volunteer to present? Joshua Green, “Dumb and Dumber: Why are Campaign Commercials So Bad?” The Atlantic (July/August 2004), at http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/2004/07/green.htm


1. Posting images, text, and (especially) video to your own blog, reflect upon any of the past campaigns discussed in West and compare them with the current campaign

2. Post comments on at least two of your colleagues’ blogs

Sunday, September 28, 2008

No Bradley Effect?

No Whitman Effect. Just a Leader's Effect? New analysis.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Spolier Alert!

Widely covered, and mocked -- victory declared before debate itself. But there's a serious point here (I know, I always ruin things with "serious points." So sue me). We talk about "spin," or, more recently, "truthiness." This is actually a quite powerful example. There is, given the nature of our Presdiential Debates, no objectively true answer to the question "who won the debate." In part, it's because that's a lousy question, making, quite literally, a game of it. Each campaign will therefore offer its own answer and, shockingly, will usually declare that their candidate clearly "won." It's just not typically quite so transparent. So, when you watch the debate (rebroadcast tomorrow, but will likely be available online), don't think in win/lose terms. Think about more substantive questions: evaluate BO and JM's breadth and depth of knowledge, compare their policy positions, or their approach to governance and management; make judgments about their consistency, their intellectual honesty, their. . . . you get the idea. Oh, and evaluate the framing, and the depth and seriousness of the questions the moderator poses. And perhaps blog-down (like write down?) your reactions BEFORE reading or viewing any of the commentary that will inundate us. I have little doubt that your observations can be more insightful, and useful, than 86.789 percent of what will appear on the teevee and in the intertubes.

In Your Genes?

From the journal all the kids love, The Journal of Politics:
Fowler, Baker, and Dawes (2008) recently showed in two independent studies of twins that voter turnout has very high heritability. Here we investigate two specific genes that may contribute to variation in voting behavior. Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, we show that individuals with a polymorphism of the MAOA gene are significantly more likely to have voted in the 2004 presidential election. We also find evidence that an association between a polymorphism of the 5HTT gene and voter turnout is moderated by religious attendance. These are the first results ever to link specific genes to political behavior.

Full article here.

Debate Prep

And They Were Doing So Well

Go take a look at this ad "factcheck" article in the NYT. Go ahead. I'll wait. Okay, back? Good. Decent enough piece, all in all: reviews the claims made in recent Obama ads, and evaluates them against the, you know, evidence. But then they write this:
In all, Mr. Obama has released at least five commercials that have been criticized as misleading or untruthful against Mr. McCain’s positions in the past two weeks. Mr. Obama drew complaints from many of the independent fact-checking groups and editorial writers who just two weeks ago were criticizing Mr. McCain for producing a large share of this year’s untruthful spots (“Pants on Fire,” the fact-checking Web site PolitiFact.com wrote of Mr. Obama’s advertisement invoking Mr. Limbaugh; “False!” FactCheck.org said of his commercial on Social Security.)

Why write "at least five commercials that have been criticized as misleading or untruthful"?

What's wrong with saying "Mr. Obama has released at least five commercials that are misleading or untruthful," if that's the conclusion they have reached?

Because it's the NYT and they don't think that it's their job to pass judgment. Except when it apparently is. Like, say, in an article evaluating the truthfulness of political ads.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Yet More


Ads in the News

Poor Polling?

So, this week we have some suggestive evidence that thanks to racism, polls may overstate Obama's real advantage by as much as six percentage points, and some suggestive evidence that thanks to cell phone users, polls may overstate McCain's advantage by as much as 2.8 points. (Though Nate Silver offers a caution about the former.) If both of these things are true (and we can't say with any certainty that they are), the net effect is an overstatement of Obama's support by 3.2 percentage points. I therefore haul out some old advice: (1) take all polling with many grains of salt; (2) look at state-by-state polling data, not the all-but-meaningless national numbers; and (3) look for multiple-day rolling averages to filter out more of the statistical noise.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Some Ads for Wednesday

Republicans, Democrats and the Economy

Here's one quick overview of the Larry Bartels research I referenced earlier. As I noted, the findings are powerful, but the causation is still a puzzle.

Cognitive Science Spoils Everything

This is your brain on politics. Robert Burton:
Last week, I jokingly asked a health club acquaintance whether he would change his mind about his choice for president if presented with sufficient facts that contradicted his present beliefs. He responded with utter confidence. "Absolutely not," he said. "No new facts will change my mind because I know that these facts are correct."

. . . . .
Feelings of absolute certainty and utter conviction are not rational deliberate conclusions; they are involuntary mental sensations generated by the brain. Like other powerful mental states such as love, anger and fear, they are extraordinarily difficult to dislodge through rational arguments. Just as it's nearly impossible to reason with someone who's enraged and combative, refuting or diminishing one's sense of certainty is extraordinarily difficult. Certainty is neither created by nor dispelled by reason.

. . . .
Worse, our ability to assess political candidates is particularly questionable when we have any strong feeling about them. An oft-quoted fMRI study by Emory psychologist Drew Westen illustrates how little conscious reason is involved in political decision-making.

Westen asked staunch party members from both sides to evaluate negative (defamatory) information about their 2004 presidential choice. Areas of the brain (prefrontal cortex) normally engaged during reasoning failed to show increased activation. Instead, the limbic system -- the center for emotional processing -- lit up dramatically. According to Westen, both Republicans and Democrats "reached totally biased conclusions by ignoring information that could not rationally be discounted" (cognitive dissonance).

In other words, we are as bad at judging ourselves as we are at judging others. Most cognitive scientists now believe that the majority of our thoughts originate in the areas of the brain inaccessible to conscious introspection. These beginnings of thoughts arrive in consciousness already colored with inherent bias. No two people see the world alike. Each of our perceptions is filtered through our genetic predispositions, inherent biologic differences and idiosyncratic life experiences. Your red is not my red. These differences extend to the very building blocks of thoughts; each of us will look at any given question from his own predispositions. Thinking may be as idiosyncratic as fingerprints.

As a result, we are all plagued by bias, self-deceit and poor character judgment.
Or, as I've become fond of saying, "You can't reason someone out of something they didn't reason themselves into."

Sunday, September 21, 2008

For Those So Inclined

An extended discussion of Philip E. Converse's "The Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics," the heart of tomorrow's readings and discussion, is available through E-Journals: go to the Winter 2006 issue of Critical Review. If pressed for time, take a look at Converse's Reply to the critics, "Democratic Theory and Electoral Reality."

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Blame the Media? Continued

Instead of recoiling, the Republican ticket seems to have adopted a post-press approach to campaigning in which the candidates simply don't care what the press does or says about their honesty. More to the point, the candidates don't think it will matter on Election Day.

They may be right. And that's the media's fault. They've reported their way right into the margins. Submerged in trivia and tactics for the past 18 months, the press, I think, has damaged its ability -- its authority -- to referee the campaign.

Blame the Media?

From Ezra Klein:
Earlier this year McCain made poverty tours and offered policy speeches. No one cared, Obama retained his lead. It was only when he began offering vicious attacks and daily controversies that he began setting the pace of the coverage. The McCain campaign learned something important about the media: It's an institution that covers conflict. If you want to direct its coverage, give it more conflict than your opponent. And so they have.

Riffing on the Swift Boaters

Monday, September 15, 2008


The Washington Post highlights some of the research I mentioned today -- it's harder to get someone to unlearn something false than to learn it. And an effort to correct the misperception can, instead, reinforce it. Why lie in a campaign ad? This is part of the answer.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Jackson and Jamieson: Unspun

Below you'll find a list of their "Warning Signs" from Chapter 2, and "Tricks" from Chapter 3, and my offerings of an example here and there (or, if I'm trying to be sneaky, a counter-example. . . .), to get us started. If you can offer missing examples (video clips, or quotes from and links to articles), add your suggestions in Comments and I'll update the post. And perhaps if you'd like, use your own blogs to explore the issues raised in the rest of the book, or keep at it with the nice critiques of Outfoxed, or reflect upon what Jackson and Jamieson can offer as help for making sense of the current campaign. Below I've also listed Jackson and Jamieson's "Lessons" and "Rules," which we'll discuss this week as well.


If it's Scary, Be Wary

A Story That's Too Good

The Dangling Comparative

The Superlatives Swindle

The 'Pay You Tuesday' Con

The Blame Game
"President George W. Bush is blaming the Democratic-led Congress for the high cost of gasoline."
"As Gas Prices Rise Again, Democrats Blame Big Oil"

Glittering Generalities


The Clear Skies Initiative

Frame it and Claim it
The Death Tax

Weasel Words

Eye Candy

The 'Average' Bear

FactCheck.org: "Here We Go Again: Bush Exaggerates Tax Cuts"

The Baseline Bluff
Bush rejected the notion that he was cutting Medicare, saying his proposals would allow it to grow, just not as fast. "People call it a cut in Medicare," he told a business group here. "That's not a cut. It's slowing down the rate of growth. It's the difference between slowing your car down to go the speed limit or putting your car in reverse."

The Literally True Falsehood

The Implied Falsehood


The plural of anecdote is not data
Remember the blind man and the elephant
Not all studies are equal
Saying it doesn't make it so
Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence


You can't be completely certain
You can be certain enough
Look for general agreement among experts
Check primary sources
Know what counts
Know who's talking
Seeing something shouldn't necessarily be believing
Cross-check everything that matters
Be skeptical, but not cynical

Friday, September 12, 2008

Speech Wars

More interesting text analysis tools.

UItterly, Completely and Totally

off point. But my candidate for best Onion article ever.

On Nixonland

A nice meditation on the main theme of Rick Perlstein's new book, but I want to draw your attention to the comments. Some exceptions, to be sure, but notice the smart, engaged, and engaging dialogue in the comment thread.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Well, There You Have It

From Business Week via The Monkey Cage.

Department of Irony Department

FactCheck.org fact-checks campaign ad citing a FactCheck.org fact-check.

Grains of Salt

THIS (click and scroll down) is an online poll, so it's hampered by that. But in this case not quite so badly, since it's an online survey that can tell us something about the self-reported political activism of active blog readers/posters/diarists. . . . . Notice that it suggest evidence at odds with Grant Reeher's claims.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Following Up

Thinking back upon our discussion in class tonight, it occurs to me that I probably didn't clearly articulate the larger point I wanted to make about the readings under review. Let me try here.

We know that media matters. We know that audiences are fragmenting. We know that our own biases frame our interpretation of events. We are reasonably sure that television has its own particular effects upon perception, and probably upon political behavior. We know (or very strongly suspect) than online communication has effects upon the acquisition of knowledge, the distribution of that knowledge among the population, and probably upon political behavior and participation. What we don't yet know with anything approaching certainty, or even satisfaction, is what those effects are, and how they vary from person to person, from group to group.

The challenge for us is to critically evaluate the scholarship that has been done on these topics, to reconcile competing or contradictory findings, to try to build upon that knowledge ourselves.

That's still not quite it, but I'll/we'll continue noodling with this.

Because Nobody Reads Enough Weber Anymore

from Politics as a Vocation:
Within the limits of this lecture, it is quite impossible even to sketch the sociology of modern political journalism, which in every respect constitutes a chapter in itself. Certainly, only a few things concerning it are in place here. In common with all demagogues and, by the way, with the lawyer (and the artist), the journalist shares the fate of lacking a fixed social classification. At least, this is the case on the Continent, in contrast to the English, and, by the way, also to former conditions in Prussia. The journalist belongs to a sort of pariah caste, which is always estimated by 'society' in terms of its ethically lowest representative. Hence, the strangest notions about journalists and their work are abroad. Not everybody realizes that a really good journalistic accomplishment requires at least as much 'genius' as any scholarly accomplishment, especially because of the necessity of producing at once and 'on order,' and because of the necessity of being effective, to be sure, under quite different conditions of production. It is almost never acknowledged that the responsibility of the journalist is far greater, and that the sense of responsibility of every honorable journalist is, on the average, not a bit lower than that of the scholar, but rather, as the war has shown, higher. This is because, in the very nature of the case, irresponsible journalistic accomplishments and their often terrible effects are remembered.

How to Call Your Opponent Old Without Calling Your Opponent Old?

Monday, September 08, 2008

Stealing from Ezra in Bulk

This is good:

I think one aspect of the modern press that doesn't get enough attention -- either among folks in the media or folks critiquing it -- is the transition from the fundamental scarcity being information to information being in abundance and the fundamental scarcity being mediation. For instance, the attitude on display in this Marc Ambinder post is fully understandable if you take a newspaperman's attitude towards the whole thing. If everyone got a newspaper once a day, and there were eight political stories, and all of them were different each day, and one of them had pointed out that Palin actually did support the Bridge to Nowhere, then the press would indeed have done its job. The job was to report the story, and they reported it.

But cable news and blogs and radio sort of changed all that and now there's too much information, and so consumers largely rely on the press to arrange that information into some sort of coherent story that will allow them to understand the election. And the press assumed that role -- they didn't create some new institution, or demand that the cable channels be credentialed differently and understood as "political entertainment."

They fill this new role through the methods storytellers have always used to tell stories: the repetition of certain key themes and characters, which creates continuity between one day's events and the next and helps the audience understand which parts to pay attention to. It's sort of like a TV show: If Friends had had an episode where Ross and Rachel hooked up, but never mentioned it again, that would've been weird, but their tryst wouldn't have been a big part of the story. Since they mentioned it all the time, and came back to it, and fit future events into that context, it was a big story. Similarly, if the press reports something and never mentions it again, the public knows to forget it. It's not important. If they mention it constantly -- "I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it" -- they know it is important. The job of the media, in other words, is now to also emphasize the right parts of the story.

This requires deciding what matters. And on this, people have different opinions. Take the Bridge to Nowhere, which Ambinder mentions in his post. I think it's important that one of the central arguments the McCain campaign is making for Palin is a lie. I think that should be reported a lot, at least as often as the McCain campaign repeats it, and then if the McCain campaign doesn't stop repeating it, their lying should be emphasized a lot, because that's also important. On the level of first order principles, I know the press agrees with me, because they did this with John Kerry. The crucial problem in this discussion comes here: The press isn't allow to admit that they construct these narratives at all, and so can't transparently justify why they choose to use one and not another. Which creates mistrust and anger.

It also gives rise to a more fundamental incoherence at the center of contemporary campaign reporting: Ambinder waves this media conversation away as a "Greenwaldian debate about the duties, obligations and frustrations of the press" because he thinks of all this as media criticism. But this isn't about the press, it's about the campaign. And he's the guy we all look to for that type of coverage. His job is to report on the motivations and actions and effects of the major political players in the election (and he's among the best at it). But there is arguably no political player as important in the election as the aggregate media. But the media won't report on itself. Which means they can't really report on the campaign: They can only report on the campaign-minus-the-media, which is an impossible thing to do, and requires them to invent all sorts of explanations for how the things that they're doing are happening. This tends to take the form of an imaginary median voter whose interests and opinions they imagine are driving their coverage and who is thus the real actor in the election, but it makes everything extremely meta, erodes any measure of accountability, and demands that a lot of coverage present itself as willfully obtuse.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

A Goodman Follow Up

part of the reason why the U.S. Press Freedom ranking is not higher?

Just in Case. . . .

. . . .you don't have enough to read (hey -- I heard that!): from the Pew Research Center for the Preople and the Press, some data to complement what you have. Key Tables below.

A Reminder

Don't lose sight of the primary assignment for Monday: respond, with at least one embedded external link and with at least one image (minding copyright issues), to either or both of The State of the News Media 2008 and Election 2006 Online. [UPDATE: Daniel offers a good example}

PS: We'll probably be moving classrooms again, probably to F316 or F317. Look for signs. I'll try to post a confirmation here before tomorrow at 5.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Two Frames, and You Can See Either or Both

Annenberg's incomparable Kathleen Hall Jamieson on Bill Moyers' Journal on the Republican convention and the election. Well worth watching -- smart, insightful, thoughtful analysis. The video doesn't seem to be up yet, but I'm hoping it will be by the time you click through. [Video now posted]

Words per 25,000

From the NYT

Comparing Unmediated Coverage

I wondered about whether there was more or less talking-head chatter during the Republican or Democratic conventions. Media Matters crunches the numbers so I don't have to. Yes, they have a bias, but the methodology of the study seems fairly sound. Try this: look at their data tables first (scroll down), and draw your own conclusion about (a) what those data say and (2) what those data may mean. And only then read their own summary of their data and its import: how well do your interpretations and conclusions match up? [updated to add the excericse]

Thursday, September 04, 2008


Nobody has any thoughts about the coverage of the McCain acceptance address?

Palin, The Media, and the News Cycle

Luckily for us, the McCain campaign has introduced a new opponent into the campaign -- The Media. We'll see if this continues, but for now I just want to draw your attention to it and ask you to think about the merits of the complaint. Is the charge that the frenzy of reporting (and speculation, and pontificating) about Palin is biased (and even misogynist) fair? How can we evaluate that? What disctinctions can/should we draw between the major broadcast networks, 24-hour cable news, the tabloid/entertainment media (US Weekly and National Enquirer, most notably), and blogs? That is, let's begin the unpacking I've promised, and set aside the notion that there is such a thing as The Media -- there are many fora for political information, discussion, and debate, and they different.

Related: One critque that I have read a number of times over the past week from the anti-McCain wing of the blogosphere has been that his campaign has sacrificed the development of a coherent narrative or a long-term media strategy for short-term and ad hoc efforts to dominate the short-term news cycle. I've not seen enough evidence to be convinced of this, but it's an interesting take on how each campaign may understand the role that (various) media play (or will be encouraged to play) in this election.

In that vein, I draw your attention to Ezra Klein's take on the Palin speech. He writes, in part:
She chose the applause line, not the deeper argument. In that sense, the speech was slave to the same priorities that governed her selection as vice president: It was aimed at wining the news cycle, not the campaign. Again and again, strong narratives were sacrificed for good lines.

Absent more evidence and without giving this some more careful thought, I can neither agree nor diagree with Klein here yet, but let it serve as a prod for us to try to peer into the campaign strategists' mind.

UPDATE: Fallows weighs in:
The speech took the "press is the enemy" theme to an extreme in dropping in a bunch of claims and factlets that the McCain team knows will be immediately picked apart by the press. For instance, her claimed opposition to earmarks and "bridge to nowhere." I guess they figure, they'll stick with their side of the story and say "there you go again!" when the press points out errors and holes.

From the Indispensable


Wednesday, September 03, 2008

On Polling

Voting is hard to explain, since it is behavior that ought to suffer from what Mancur Olson famously dubbed the "collective action problem." That is, given that my vote is unlikely to make any difference in the outcome (true in the overwhelming majority of cases), why should I go to the trouble when I know that others will do it? Olson wrote that we can overcome such problems either through the distribution of benefits that reward an activity (like voting), or by the introduction of penalties that punish failure to act. Political scientists, political theorists, and philosophers (all often very different kinds of creatures) have often explained voting as either an expression of narrow self-interest (Madison?) or (perhaps more grudgingly) as an expression of some sort of cultural norm (Tocqueville?). Some people vote because they want things, others because it's their civic duty. Those who do not vote, by extension, if we presume that there is a rational, conscious decision-making process at work (perhaps a heroic assumption), either do not see that they have anything to gain from their participation (notice that we have not really confronted the collective action problem head on), or that they have not adopted voting as a social/cultural norm. That brief lumpy introduction should give you enough foundation to think about the following short excerpt from the first Chapter of David E. Campbell's Why We Vote:
To make the case that the communities in which we spend our adolescence affect whether we vote in adulthood first requires establishing that
a. communities shape the civic and political engagement of the people who live within them, or what you do now depends on where you are now
b. the engagement of adolescents in particular is shaped by where they live, or what you did then depends on where you were then
c. adolescents’ engagement links to their engagement as adults, or what you do now depends on what you did then
Together these claims lay the foundation for the book’s central argument: the civic norms within one’s adolescent social environment have an effect on civic participation well beyond adolescence: what you do now depends on where you were then.

Why am I subjecting you to this? Because so much of our discussion has danced around questions of why person (or group) x will vote for candidate y or candidate z without attending too much to questions of who it is who will vote in the first place.

In most recent presidential elections, this actually hasn't mattered too much because the electorate has been relatively stable -- all else equal, wealthier, better-educated, older, whites are those most likely to appear at the polls and poorer, less-educated people of color the least likely. Is this a product of socialization, as Campbell would have it, or of some belief held by the former group that their are benefits to be derived from participation and, conversely, a calculation by the latter that it matters little? (And what's the relationship/correlation between an adolescent's "environment" and her family or community's economic status?.)

And, again, I hear you ask, why am I belaboring this, and what does this have to do with polling?

Reason one: Because this election contains the possibility that Obama's candidacy will persuade significant numbers of the latter group to vote either for the first time or for the first time in a while -- and it is an open question as to whether opinion polling is adequately capturing these "new" voters. I know -- that was a long way to go for a dig at the trustworthiness of polling, but another (among many) things to keep in mind as you (inescapably) see and read poll results. Use many, many grains of salt, please. . .

Reason two: This is more fodder for thinking about the endogeneity/exogeneity problem: where do preferences come from?

One Photo

and one interpretation (h/t C&L). Others?

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Monday, September 01, 2008

Case in Point

"THE METAPHYSICS OF POST HEADLINES." Ryan Advent via Ezra Klein, in the vein of "Shape of Earth: Views Differ"?

$100,000 for Oomph

Shafer at Slate:
Instead of decoding the Obama propaganda, the broadcast press mostly wallowed in it: Flipping the dial, I didn't hear much in the way of disparagement from the talking heads. Indeed, the fact that the networks paid $100,000 to install a Skycam to hover over the cheering hordes at Invesco Field proves how easily they can be co-opted by a campaign that spends the money to produce a terrific "show." The Skycam added no journalistic value to last night's coverage, only buckets of oomph for the Obama-Biden ticket. If you can't avert your eyes from such spectacles and the network anchors refuse to frame them skeptically, be prepared to discount the emotional effect they may exert on you.