Friday, October 31, 2008

I'm Perplexed

as others are. What's the goal of this McCain ad? Couldn't it just as easily, with a few tweaks, be an Obama ad instead? What am I missing?


Keyak said...

Even McCain is using Obama's star power he is trying to show that he has the most important endorsement of all... Barack Obama's.

Matt Williams said...

I think, more likely, his campaign is throwing the kitchen sink at Obama in this add. Everyone expected McCain to heighten character attacks on Obama as his (McCain's) message fragmented under the pressure of a failed election.

This, though, appealing to the voter who wants to see a nod towards Obama yet a true leader in McCain is a the last gasp of sorts. In a way, it continues McCain's campaign which can only be titled "An Ad For Every Voter"

Steven P said...

I find it quite interesting that he is using Sen. Lieberman as his partner here. Perhaps because it makes him look like Sen. Mccain is reaching across party lines.

Cranky Doc said...

The dissonance, for me, remains: isn't Obama supposed to be unworthy and untrustworthy? What's the narrative or campaign theme that this is supposed to tap into? Doesn't it risk making Obama look like the one who's reaching aross party lines? I remain confused.

Steven P said...

Perhaps his utilizing the "enemy" makes his candidacy more convincing?

Cranky Doc said...

More convincing of what?