Thursday, July 31, 2008

Cell Phone Effects

on opinion pollling. Note the key demos


Anonymous said...

Accentuate the Positive
Barack Obama is accusing John McCain of being negative, reports:

Obama, speaking at a town hall event in Rolla, Mo., accused McCain of running a negative campaign.

"He doesn't seem to have anything to say very positive about himself," Obama said.

Well, if the test of a candidate is how many good things he says about himself, Obama should win easily.

But wait! It's possible that Obama was misquoted. Fox News has what appears to be a slightly different version of the same quote. But don't worry, the punch line still works:

Campaigning in Missouri, Obama said the McCain ad was the latest example of McCain's negativity--a theme his campaign has tried to stress lately.

"He doesn't seem to have anything positive to say about me, does he?" Obama said.

Well, if the test of a candidate is how many good things he says about Obama, Obama should win easily.

Matt Williams said...

What does that have to do with the post?