Wednesday, November 05, 2008


We have talked some about the discipline, competence, and sophistication of the Obama campaign machinery. We have talked less about the consistency with which the campaign told a story and hammered upon a narrative. To wit: think about last night's speech, and its rhetorical touchstones, and then take another look/listen to this now-iconic video from Black Eyed Peas', riffing on Obama's January 8 NH Primary speech. It is, dare I say, Reaganesque. UPDATE: And note the shift in tone last night, and the very different cadence the "Yes, We Can" refrain takes: from peroration to somber determination (start least night's speech below at about (9:00).


Steven P said...

This is the catchiest song that made me realize that Obama had really begun a revolution

Daniel said...


First of all a great song and an even better music video.

Second he truely is an amazing speaker and will be able to motivate all Americans both in the good times and the bad.

Dare I say, Yes we can! (Go Barack!)